A Late Winter Wellness Retreat in the Dominican Republic

Transformative Self Care

Sunday, March 3 – Sunday, March 10, 2024

Self Care

Indulge in a rejuvenating getaway like no other at this exclusive wellness retreat on the breathtaking Samana Peninsula of the Dominican Republic. Nestled amidst pristine beaches, lush jungles, and crystal-clear waters, this retreat offers the ultimate haven for those seeking a transformative experience for mind, body, and soul.

Each day will provide opportunities to recharge your spirt through transformative self care. Daily themes will introduce you to the pillars of self care and provide inspiration for incorporating these valuable strategies into your daily life.

Engage in invigorating movement and mindfulness sessions, partake in revitalizing spa treatments, and relish in nourishing cuisine that will energize and heal from within. Mostly, you will connect with the stunning nature around you and therefore your own extraordinary natural self.

Beach Through Trees Narrow, Sound Method Yoga

Wellness Retreat Details

Dominican Republic Retreat

Dominican Republic Wellness Retreat


MARCH 3-10, 2024 How many times have you vowed to plan a tropical vacation for early March? The weather in Samana, Dominican Republic is warm and dry. The water temperature is a balmy 80°. Early March is also the peak season for whale watching! Our group will be taking a day to visit the North Atlantic Humpback Whales who overwinter in the warm marine sanctuary of Samaná Bay before they begin their long migration to their summer grounds.

Dominican Republic Wellness Retreat


VILLA SERENA, LAS GALERAS, SAMANA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Villa Serena’s peacefulness, harmony and elegance invite relaxation and rest; its pristine tropical setting offers exploration and adventure. Ocean front rooms with terraces, under coconut trees, surrounded by lush tropical gardens: the splendor of natural beauty. By the pool or at the beach, you are wrapped by lulling sounds of the waves and winds singing in palm trees. It’s secluded, but just minutes away from a quaint village.


How Much?

FROM $1940 This is a special retreat with two venues! We will be spending 6 nights at Villa Serena in Las Galeras and one night in the capitol Santo Domingo. Villa Serena rooms feature a large private terrace, a hammock and rocking chairs, and a stunning ocean view. Single and double occupancy are available but singles are very limited. Double rooms will have two full sized beds or a king sized bed. You will indicate your preference after registration.

Dominican Republic Wellness Retreat

It’s one thing to escape from your life with a week’s vacation and completely another to reengage with self. This retreat will provide ample opportunities to rest and rejuvenate but also moments for awareness and reflection. Daily practices will invite you to challenge or restore your body. Each day we will contemplate the pillars of self care with a daily theme. Develop your own self care plan for more vibrant health and longevity.

As you are soaking up the beauty of your natural surroundings. Nourishing your body with movement and local cuisine. And connecting with your fellow retreaters, you will be building skills to bring home to your life and to your loved ones. 

Special Features of this Wellness Retreat

Curated Experiences

Experience the less touristic side of DR with off the beaten path experiences included in your trip price.

Fresh Local Cuisine

Wellness from the inside out. Healthy meals and nutrition education are included

Daily Movement Practices

Explore the pillars of self care each day and learn to make wellness fit into your life.

Group Transfers Included

Relax on retreat knowing that everything is taken care of for you for one affordable price.

Dominican Republic Wellness Retreat

Retreat Leader

Mandy Ryle, E-RYT 500, CSCS, Pain Care Coach, Certified Nutritionist

Mandy is the owner and founder of Sound Method Yoga and has been a movement professional since 2008. She is a teacher of teachers and has taught yoga and movement all over the world having led retreats in Costa Rica, Greece (2x), Spain, Colorado, New Mexico, Croatia and locally in Nebraska. Her style is unique, nurturing and inspiring. Mandy’s teaching is evidence based and informed by her appetite for scientific research. Her interests revolve around her work as a pain care coach and include movement sciences including strength and conditioning, nutrition, neuroscience and pain science. 

Mandy’s love of science is generated by a passion for helping her clients and students to live a healthy and vibrant life throughout the lifespan. 

Mandy is also the host of the popular Yin Yoga Podcast. Her podcast has listeners all over the globe and has reached the top 15th percentile of podcasts from all genres. 

Registrations for this retreat are being taken on Mandy’s site. Get all of the details including itinerary and pricing yoga.mandyryle.com

Book Your Retreat Today

Treat yourself to an unforgettable wellness retreat in Samana, Dominican Republic. Leave feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Don’t miss the opportunity to embark on this transformative journey. Reserve your spot now and unlock the door to wellness and serenity. Bookings and more info at yoga.mandyryle.com