Yoga for Strength

Why is resistance training important? Here’s a fact: Muscle mass decreases as you age. After puberty, we lose about 1% of bone and muscle strength each year. Inactive adults experience a 3 to 8 percent loss of muscle mass per decade. This muscle mass is replaced by fat. But resistance training can slow down or […]
Fresh Start for Long Lost Yogis (Well? needs finishing)

A Fresh Start for Long Lost Yogis Maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve practiced at SMY or just practiced at all? We want to offer complete amnesty! A fresh start for long lost yogis. Whether you used a Groupon to pay for classes years ago, or attended with a new student deal back at our […]
Can Yoga Help Me Lose Weight?

Frequently, we hear from students at Sound Method who want to lose weight. They wonder ” can Yoga help me lose weight?” Does it really provide enough cardio to actually burn calories? I have an answer for this question, but you may not like to hear what I have to say. For decades now we […]
How to find the best yoga teacher training program (Mostly done)

Yoga Teacher Training is a dream for many. For a dedicated student of Yoga it represents a commitment to practice but also to a balanced lifestyle and a potential vocation. I’ve found over the years that the process of training can be life altering. It is a time that we are affirmed in warm and […]
Yoga at the Vineyard – Half Day Yoga Retreat (mostly)

Yoga at the Vineyard – A half day local yoga retreat Join us for a local yoga retreat at Cellar 426. We’ll take time for a long morning practice of yoga and meditation outdoors with views of the grape vines and Nebraska’s rolling hills. This all levels practice, led by SMY president and founder Mandy Ryle, […]
What the Fascia?

What is fascia and what does it have to do with our yoga practice?Fascia is a fibrous tissue that ‘connects’ every cell in our body. This connective tissue forms a 3D wrapping of our entire physical body, head to toe. Fascia surrounds and infuses every muscle, muscle fiber, bone, blood vessel, nerve and organ in […]
Sound Method Open House

Please join us for the Sound Method Open House on Saturday, January 28th. Come tour our new studio, meet our friendly staff, and take advantage of some great deals. We could not be prouder of what we have built at 12302 Emmet Street in Tranquility Place. We’ll be partying from 12-3 pm. Stay for a […]
Big Announcement!

What an exciting few weeks this has been for SMY staff and friends. We’ve had some ups and downs. There have been quite a few unpleasant surprises but also some extraordinary acts of kindness. I’m advancing quickly in my practice of humility these days… The support we’ve received from old and new friends and even […]
Waiting for January

Waiting for January It’s hard to believe it’s been only about a month since I last set foot in our old Sound Method Location. I miss seeing my friends and students, I miss the anchor of having a space to teach and practice. But mostly, I’m excited. At first the number of things to do […]
Sound Method Yoga’s New Home

Sound Method Yoga’s New Home We are so thrilled to announce our new location! Sound Method Yoga will be opening in Tranquillity Park later this year. We are excited to have found a location that is easy to get to and convenient for our students at 123rd and Emmet St. Our new place is being […]
Sound Method Yoga is Moving

Sound Method Yoga is Moving Humans have evolved to resist change. To our ancestors change was not just uncomfortable, but potentially life threatening. Though we can learn to become more adaptive, less attached to our patterns, most of us will retain this seed of fear when faced with the unfamiliar. To change on one’s own […]
My Mat…My Companion

My desire for a deep, authentic connection to myself led me to continue my Phoenix Rising education by participating in Phoenix Rising Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training July 2016, which completed my 300-hr bridge. I have chosen to specialize in Phoenix Rising because of the client-centered, body-centered, present-centered approach that supports health and healing through personal […]
6 Yoga Beginner Mistakes

6 Yoga Beginner Mistakes I’ve been teaching yoga now for many years and though it may seem like I was born standing on my head, I too, started yoga as a beginner. Though occasionally a student with a very developed practice will find me, most of my students have started with little or no yoga […]
Free Yoga on Friday Evenings in July

Join us on Fridays in July for the Happiest Hour Community Class We’re calling it the Happiest Hour. Support a great cause, get in shape and experience some wonderful new yoga teachers. Classed will be led by recent SMY Teacher Training Alumni. Each week will feature a different teacher, fresh style and lots of good […]
3 Reasons to do Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga At Sound Method, Yin Yoga is popular. We try to offer it everyday in fact. People who love Yin, really love Yin. There are many benefits over the long term; greater flexibility, healthier joints, a deeper understanding of your body maybe resulting in better proprioception. That last one is especially important as we […]
Inspired by “Why?”

I cannot even fathom how many times I have asked myself “why”. Why did I do that? Why didn’t you leave earlier? Why did you put your keys in the recycle bag? All good questions at the time but there is one “why” that I asked myself nearly 10 years ago that led to a […]
Summer Yoga Challenge

Challenge Begins on June 10! Yogis, the SMY 2016 Summer Yoga Challenge is back! Our Yoga Challenges as you know are epic fun, but also you know… a little challenging. This year we will be working in teams, yes TEAMS. Challengee’s will assemble teams of two, but we’ll have mini team challenges along the way […]
Mandy’s Super Tea Recipe

Turmeric is the golden child of super foods these days. It’s been used in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine for centuries. Modern science is discovering the benefits of turmeric now too. There are dozens of evidence based advantages to adding turmeric to your diet or curcumin, it’s beneficial compound, in the form of a supplement. Turmeric […]
4 Years

4 years ago we opened the doors to Sound Method for our first class in our new little studio. After having juggled several jobs as an independant yoga teacher and self employed musician with the demands of being the single parent of two small children; it was more than I ever could have hoped for. […]
A Sound Method?

What is a Sound Method? I recently read an article about the role of pain in the popular style of yoga, Astanga, popularized by Pattabi Jois. This style of yoga is the grandfather of the Vinyasa style that we practice at SMY, but the strict Astanga style often gets a bad rap because of it’s […]
But Why?

Why does yoga make you feel so good? Any physical activity can elevate your mood and hopefully make you feel better in your body. But yoga has an edge on other types of fitness, doesn’t it? Some research suggests that yoga “tones” the vagus nerve, no that’s not a euphemism…. Good Vagal Tone contributes to […]
The Sizes that Matter the Most

I am of medium build and medium height. Until my early 20’s, I was healthy and slim…average. Unfortunately, that description changed after I graduated college. A full-time job sitting behind a desk all day and fast food lunches while always on the go where ultimately what did me in. One day while sitting along a […]