Join us on Fridays in July for the Happiest Hour Community Class
We’re calling it the Happiest Hour. Support a great cause, get in shape and experience some wonderful new yoga teachers. Classed will be led by recent SMY Teacher Training Alumni. Each week will feature a different teacher, fresh style and lots of good vibes. All yogis are welcome seasoned to beginner. Class will begin at 7 and end at 8.
We’re calling it the Happiest Hour. Support a great cause, get in shape and experience some wonderful new yoga teachers. Classed will be led by recent SMY Teacher Training Alumni. Each week will feature a different teacher, fresh style and lots of good vibes. All yogis are welcome seasoned to beginner. Class will begin at 7 and end at 8.
Class Style and Level
All classes will be a moderate intensity Vinyasa/Hatha format. Each teacher brings a unique voice and style to their class. All Levels of students will be accommodated.
Teacher Schedule
Please register ahead for the Happiest Hour. If you are a new student welcome! You’ll be prompted to create an SMY account to sign up. Class is free!
July 1 – Tonya Baker Register
July 8 – Coral Del Mar Register
July 15 – Maddie Weston Register
July 22 – Frank Wolfe Register
July 29 – Dave Watts Register